Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Back to work

The mono is done with, and I'm finally beginning to feel like a living, breathing person again.

I didn't have a particularily bad cast - no fever, to sore throat. What I did have, however, was a couple months of feeling like the air itself had gotten heavy. I was exhausted halfway through my day through the sheer effort of getting up, getting work and just breathing.

A note - no, my company did not expect me to work through my illness. I went a couple weeks feeling brutally exhausted before going to the doctor (no fever or sore throat - I honestly just thought I was "tired") and two more weeks before getting my test results. As soon as I, and they, knew I had the mono I was given leave to work from home for a week. After that I spent two weeks on vacation in BC.

But yes, the mono seems to be gone, judging by the lack of need to sleep 10-12 hours a day. I am however, still extremely anemic.

In my day-to-day go to work, go home, intarwebs, possibly eat dinner and use the rower life, this isn't much of a problem. Last night, however, I returned to martial arts (number one on my list of "things that make me not-crazy) after over a month of being unable to work out at all.

For the record, I'm an endurance person when it comes to activity. For some reason, and against the apparent norm, endurance works cause far fewer asthma problems than shorts, intense burts of activity.

Add a class that was almost completely comprised of short, instense bursts with anemia (and the resulting difficulty of getting enough oxygen into my system) and you get a tiring night and a the need for a couple puffs off the inhaler.

It was also a hell of a lot of fun.

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